Group for Experimental Methods in Humanistic Research
at Columbia University


  • Alex Gil

A Directory of Caribbean Digital Scholarship.

In CariDischo2020 you can browse or search an open-source bibliography of digital resources resulting from—and meant for—the study of the Caribbean. Here you will learn more about the contours of our Caribbean scholarly and cultural record online. All of our entries were compiled during one of the out-of-synch events that defined The Caribbean Digital VII conference. Akin to a census, this directory takes a snapshot of our record up to the end of 2020. To learn more about the project please consult our “Frequently Asked Questions,” select “Browse” or “Search” on our navigation menu above, or simply begin exploring one item at a time by clicking on this completely random link.

The project came as a response to the “failures” of past attempts at building Digital Humanities directories. Many previous attempts had well documented reasons for not succeeding:

  • Imagined as open ended
  • Depending on continuous community input
  • Very open in scope
  • Built using databases or CMS that needed maintainance

In this project I addressed each one of those pain points and designed a directory that was finite in scope and temporal extent, built with pinpointed activity by the community and using static site generation. The result should be still useful for years to come.